We know Rosehip Oil as the overnight rejuvenator for skin in need of a rapid boost. It has been our hero ingredient for many years because of the endless ways it can help sensitive skin be its best, from calming persistent blemishes to locking in moisture. And although this deep orange-colored wonder oil is now synonymous with Pai, its history stretches back much further than that.
The origins of Rosehip in skincare are a little foggy, but we know from burial sites and hieroglyphics that ancient Egyptians used various plant-based oils on their skin. These were usually pure oils, rich in omegas like our favorite Rosehip Oil, but the history books also reveal a cautionary tale of skincare experimentation.

It’s thought that the female pharaoh, Hatshepsut, may have caused her own premature death trying to soothe her itchy, irritated skin with a homemade concoction of palm and nutmeg oils… mixed with a highly carcinogenic tar known as benzopyrene.
Some years later, the Romans were having a little more success using ‘Rosa Canina’ (the very same variety of hip we use in our Rosehip Bioregenerate Oil) to heal dog bites.
Ancient Chinese doctors and early Native Americans also used Rosehip preparations to treat everything from stomach weakness to muscle cramps.
Rosehips were even used as a citrus replacement during World War II to keep coughs and colds at bay thanks to their Vitamin C (a potent antioxidant) levels – almost 60 times higher than that of any other citrus fruit.

It wasn’t until the 1980s that Rosehip Oil really showed its true potential for sensitive skin, when extensive studies revealed its soothing properties for all kinds of skin conditions.
A 1983 study at the University of Santiago showed Rosehip Seed Oil could regenerate skin, minimise scars and wrinkles and help to even out the skin’s colour and tone. That’s when people in the beauty industry started to take notice.

Which brings us up to the present day, and we’ve got our own research to add to the mix. We now know that our Rosehip Oil – Rosehip Bioregenerate – is proven to brighten, smooth and seal in moisture. And to leave skin soft and supple too. In an independent trial* 84% said it made their skin feel smoother, 87% said it made their skin feel more hydrated and 84% said it made their skin feel softer.
Emphasis on the our Rosehip Oil here. Because ours has 700% more antioxidants (polyphenols) than other premium Rosehip Oils. And our formula contains 24% more polyunsaturated fatty acids than market competitors** – which are what drives its ability regenerate the skin at speed.
So there you have it – a potted history of our hero organic ingredient. And the product that we’ve sold over a million bottles of and counting.
Have you tried it yet? Get ready to glow and shop our Rosehip Bioregenerate Oil here.
*4 week independent consumer trial of 97 women
**Independently tested by a third party laboratory. Data verification available on request. Tested against similar, market leading, rosehip oils available in Europe.